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Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (center) speaks with the press at the 2024 Summit of the FOCAC in Beijing, Sept. 5, 2024. [Photo by Wang Yiming/China.org.cn] Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Thursday that the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-
在这一背景下,亚洲股市、汇市齐齐承压。日本央行已出手干预汇市炒股10倍杠杆,印尼央行加息以稳定印尼盾汇率,人民币再度对美元回落,中国股市在反弹过后开始陷入盘整。 Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (center) speaks with the press at the 2024 Summit of the FOCAC in Beijing, Sept. 5, 2024. [Photo by Wang Yiming/China.org.cn] Chinese F
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